Japanese mobile phones have very strange specs.
You can use HTTP::MobileAgent module to get information from HTTP headers.
You would use Amon2::Plugin::Web::MobileAgent for this purpose. Install it from CPAN.:
% cpanm Amon2::Plugin::Web::MobileAgent
You can load a module.:
package MyApp::Web;
use parent qw/MyApp Amon2::Web/;
and call it on your controller.:
my $ma = $c->mobile_agent(); # instance of HTTP::MobileAgent
I wrote a Amon2::Plugin::Web::MobileCharset.
Usage of this module is very easy. Install it from CPAN.:
% cpanm Amon2::Plugin::Web::MobileCharset
And load a plugin.:
package MyApp::Web;
use parent qw(Amon2::Web);
Amon2::Plugin::Web::MobileCharset provides $c->html_content_type method and $c->encoding method. You don’t worry about charsets.
You can add a HTML filter. Install Lingua::JA::Regular::Unicode from CPAN.:
% cpanm Lingua::JA::Regular::Unicode
And you can add a katakana_z2h filter for HTML processing.:
package MyApp::Web;
use Lingua::JA::Regular::Unicode qw(katakana_z2h);
HTML_FILTER => sub {
my ($c, $html) = @_;
return katakana_z2h($html);
You can use HTTP::Session for this purpose:
package MyApp::Web;
use HTTP::Session::Store::Memcached;
__PACKAGE__->load_plugins(qw/Web::HTTPSession/ => {
state => 'URI',
store => sub {
my ($c) = @_;
memd => $c->get('Cache::Memcached::Fast')
But I don’t recommend to use StickyQuery. It adds vulnerability.