Amon2’s plugin architecture is very simple.
Plugin class MUST implement MyPlugin->init($context_class, \%configuration). That’s all.
$context_class is a class name. It would be child class of the Amon2.
Amon2.60+ provides setup script for plugins.
Plugins can inject a code for bootstrapping code by:
% --plugin=Teng MyApp
Just add a “@@” lines based on __DATA__ section:
package Amon2::Plugin::Web::PlackSession;
@@ prereq_pm
'Plack::Middleware::Session' => 0,
@@ web_context
use Plack::Session;
sub session {
$_[0]->{session} //= Plack::Session->new($_[0]->req->env);
@@ middleware
enable 'Plack::Middleware::Session';