Amon2 does not support XMLRPC server. But you can implement it as PSGI application and run with Amon2 context object:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Plack::Request;
use Plack::Builder;
use RPC::XML;
use RPC::XML::ParserFactory 'XML::LibXML';
sub res { RPC::XML::response->new(@_) }
my %dispatch_table = (
'sum' => sub {
my $args = shift->value;
return res(0 + $args->{a} + $args->{b});
'echo' => sub {
my $args = shift->value;
return res($args);
my $app = sub {
my $req = Plack::Request->new(@_);
my $q = RPC::XML::ParserFactory->new()->parse($req->content);
my $method_name = $q->name;
my $code = $dispatch_table{$method_name} or return [404, [], ["not found: $method_name"]];
my $rpc_res = $code->(@{$q->args});
return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type', 'text/xml' ], [ $rpc_res->as_string ] ];
builder {
enable 'ContentLength';
You can create the context object by MyApp->bootstrap(), same as CLI.