Amon2 6.13 documentation




Amon2 uses Plack::Session for session management.

You can use it by zero configuraion:

sub dispatch {
    my $c = shift;
    my $cnt = $c->session->get('cnt') || 0;
    $c->session->set('cnt' => ++$cnt);
    return $c->create_response(200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], [$cnt]);


You can use HTTP::Session too.

Example usage is here:

package MyApp::Web;
use parent qw/MyApp Amon2/;

use HTTP::Session::Store::File;

    'Web::HTTPSession' => {
        state => 'Cookie',
        store => HTTP::Session::Store::File->new(
            dir => File::Spec->tmpdir(),

And you can access instance of HTTP::Session by calling $c->session. Here is a very simple counter using session:

package MyApp::Web::Dispatcher;

get '/' => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    my $cnt = $c->session->get('cnt') || 0;
    $c->session->set('cnt' => ++$cnt);
    return $c->create_response(200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], [$cnt]);

For more details, please look HTTP::Session and Amon2::Plugin::Web::HTTPSession.